Tenor banjos Tubaphone Fanfret This all walnut Hutchings fanfret tenor banjo is fitted with a tubaphone tonering.
Openback banjos Tenor banjos The Kracken Fan fret tenor banjo with engraved kracken inlay, and custom designed fretboard inlay. This banjo…
Tenor banjos Standard 17 fret Irish tenor All walnut Standard model irish tenor with fan frets and a Moso bamboo tonering. Lightweight…
Tenor banjos Left handed fanfret tenor Banjo ténor 19 gaucher avec frettes éventail, tout en noyer avec un tonering Mosophone et…
Tenor banjos Fanfret Convertible 18 fret fanfret banjo with a Mosophone tonering and popon resonator. This banjo is also…
Openback banjos Tenor banjos Fan fret Irish tenor with backstrap A beautiful irish tenor banjo combining vintage style with modern playability
Tenor banjos Fan fret irish tenor Irish banjo with fan frets (multiscale) Imbalanced string tension is a common problem with Irish…
Tenor banjos Breton Tenor Banjo This banjo has 17 fanned frets, a baked maple neck, walnut pot with tubaphone tonering…
Tenor banjos An Fáinne Chladaigh 17 fret fanfret tenor banjo with a Mosophone tonering and some extra details. The peghead…
Tenor banjos 18 fret Fan fret Tenor banjo This banjo is equipped with a Dobson tonering for a punchy sound, it also features…
Tenor banjos 12″ Tenor banjo 19 fret tenor banjo with popon resonator and a MOSO tonering. A highly versatile banjo…